




首页 装修资讯 KORL—意年夜利高定家居五金,传承严谨的意年夜利设计和工艺 KORL—意年夜利高定家居五金,传承严谨的意年夜利设计和工艺 http://www.jleyu����.txtiaju82.com 2024年05月23日16:43 家居装修资讯




  Korl è un Produttore Italiano di Accessori di Ferramenta Per La Casa, di Design e Processo Ben Delimitato, Che Risale al 1950 e Che si è Concentrato Sul Miglioramento Della Qualità Della Vita Delle Persone a Casa e Sul Comfort di Ogni Metro.

  Promuovere La Qualità Della Vita Con Il Mobilio è Un Obiettivo Che Perseguiamo Instancabilmente.



  Ferruccio Korl

  Il Sistema È Stato Progettato E Realizzato in ITALIA


  KORL’s Brand Story


  KORL brand founder Ferruccio Korl was born in a craftsman family.KORL family for centuries has been known for making horseback riding related hardware products, such as horseshoes, harness rings and whips.Each product embodies the family s exquisite skills and the pursuit of the ultimate details, so it is favored by local horseback riders and nobles.Ferruccio Korl grew up in the family s hardware workshop, and the family craftsman gene inherited for generations was completely activated.He inherited the family s skills and innovated continuously on the basis of tradition, integrating modern design concepts into it.He dreamed of carrying forward the family s hardware craft and creating his own brand.After years of efforts and accumulation, Ferruccio Korl finally realized his dream and founded the KORL hardware brand.And is committed to becoming the world s leading brand in the high-end home hardware industry.In China, KORL is positioned in high-end home custom hardware, and makes fashionable hardware in line with Chinese aesthetics. KORL hardware design comes from life and above life, has always adhered to its own unique style, never drift with the tide, dare to try and imaginative design to reveal its unique charm, leading the fashion trend of China s hardware industry.

  KORL品牌开创人Ferruccio Korl诞生在一个工匠家族。KORL家族几个世纪以来首要建造与马术相干的五金产物而著称,如马蹄铁、马具扣环和马鞭等。每件产物都凝集着家族的高深身手和对细节的极致寻求,是以深受本地马术快乐喜爱者和贵族的青睐。

  Ferruccio Korl从小在家族的五金工坊里长年夜,耳闻目睹之下,完全激活了传承几代的家族工匠基因。他继续了家族的身手,并在传统的根本上不竭立异,将现代设计理念融入此中。他胡想着将家族的五金工艺发扬光年夜,打造出属在本身的品牌。颠末多年的尽力和堆集, Ferruccio Korl终究实现了本身的胡想,创建了“KORL” 五金品牌。并致力在成为世界高定家居五金行业领军品牌。在中国,KORL定位在高端家居定制五金,做合适中国人美学的时尚五金。KORL五金设计来历在糊口又高在糊口,一向都对峙本身独有的气概,从不趁波逐浪,勇于测验考试与和富想象力的设计展露其别具一格的魅力,引领了中国五金行业的时尚潮水。

  Development History



  KORL开创人Ferruccio Korl创建公司。公司草创时,首要专注在传统家居五金件的研发与出产,凭仗其高深的工艺和怪异的设计,敏捷在乎年夜亨通场取得了一席之地。













原文网址: KORL—意年夜利高定家居五金,传承严谨的意年夜利设计和工艺 http://www.jiaju82.com/news-view-id-867823.html所属分类:设计资讯

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